Thursday, April 11, 2013

Dem Bones

So, along with almost 18,000 other people, I got in on the Reaper Bones Kickstarter last year. Well, it looks like we’re going to start getting our plastic crack in the next month. What did we get? Well, this picture should help you:

Holy Plastic Men, Batman!

That’s a lot of stuff. Its 240 minis, not including the metal Sophie model. Towards the end of the Kickstarter, Reaper said you could trade in Sophie for an extra $25. I didn’t, but I was too busy writing my grandfather’s obituary (thanks for that one, dad) to care. What did I get? Well, I ordered the Vampire package pictured above, as well as an additional Undead Horde, one extra IMEF set and two extra NOVA sets. I play a lot of sci-fi games, so that made sense.

“What are ‘Bones’?” I hear you asking. Bones are cheap plastic minis, ready to paint right out of the package. They’re perfect for people getting started in the hobby or for people who need cheap minis for their D&D games. While I haven’t played honest-to-god D&D in years, I still have my books for it and wouldn’t be opposed to playing again in the future. I picked it up for a few reasons, mostly how good a deal it was, and I pledged early. How early? Well, if you check the map below, I pledged while Mr. Bones was still digging up the graves…

"Keep digging, Watson."

“But, what the hell are we going to do with all these extras?” I hear you wail. First off, I’m making offers for any of the ChronoScope models (including the stuff under the header of the same name, Zombie Hunters, NOVA and IMEF) for the crazy people who don’t want them. I’m also working on a board game, which will be posted here.

Oh hey. Guess what I just got? That’s right, my email telling me my Bones are on the way. That made my day. When it comes in, I’ll try to take some pictures and put them up here. I’ll also put up a review of them, too.

1 comment:

  1. I am serious about buying the ChronoScope stuff. My email is in my blogger profile.
