Thursday, July 21, 2011

Round One

Had the first round of our little tourney conclude this past Monday, so I figured I'd post something about it, this will not be a turn by turn commentary, rather a brief overview of the fights, who won and where I think they went wrong/right. There are some who might say that I played Dead Space 2 instead of paying attention to the fights I wasn't involved with, to them I say feh! In my domain few things are hidden from my sight! Don't underestimate me or I will boil your organs with my wierding module!.

Round 1: Tau (Panopticon) Vs IG(Captain Pete)
Tau list:
Shas'el with AFP and stuff
3x crisis suits with TL plasma
2x6 fire warriors
1x12 fire warriors

IG list: (Corrected by Pete)
Command squad with vox, medic, 2x plasma
30 man blob with 3x melta, commisar, vox
2x10 ig with AC
Armored Sentinel with PC (Later changed to Autocannon)

Pitched battle, 5 objectives
This ended in a loss for the Tau, his AC squads sat on objectives and didn't contribute much while his blob ran upfield, I was unable to get enough firepower into it to break it before they killed a 6 man squad and my crisis team. made the mistake of taking a couple potshots at the Sentinel and had reserved my suits so I was relying pretty much entirely on fire warriors to do the job, then the commander mishaped to death. His Sentinel spent most of the game in a fruitless for both sides assault contesting one of my objectives. Still coulda gotten a draw on objectives but was unable to get enough shots into one of his holders to force morale.

On the other board we had Chaos(Remigious) Vs Necrons(Shade)
Chaos list:
Chaos lord with P fist and plasma pistol (attached to the zerkers)
1x9 berserkers with plasma pistol (rides in Rhino)
1x5 chaos marines, no upgrades
Rhino, havoc launcher and daemonic possession

Necron list:
2x10 warriors
2x3 scarab swarms, disruption fields

This game was won by Chaos and pretty much was a big cluster assault in the middle of the board involving one warrior squad, the zerkers, and the scarabs. Probably would have gone faster if Remigious had put more attacks on the scarabs to max fearless wounds in the fights as she never lost combat, but as it was Shade survived the first round and the durable Necrons warriors tied things up for most of the game, Chaos managed to own and contest more objectives though.

Tau(Pano) Vs Chaos(Rem)
Another objective mission, this one basically involved me shooting her off the board as she walked up, I lost a fire warrior and a crisis suit, she had her 5 man chaos marine squad left.

Necron(Shade) Vs IG(CP)

To be honest, didn't follow this one that closely, but I believe it sorta mirrored my match above, the IG just shot things up and the blob tied things down enough that IG could get more objectives.

Tau(Pano) Vs Necron(Shade)
This is one where I totally was winning handily, then lost entirely due to my own mistakes and Shades good target priority. I shot the scarabs off the table in round 2, without those to threaten my firebase I was then able to wipe an entire warrior squad, unfortunately he was able to conga line that squad to control two objectives and my dice utterly failed me in the lat few rounds of shooting, still would have been an objective tie and I would have won on KP except I neglected to cover a reduced squad of warriors in the bottom of turn 6 and he was able to shoot them off the objective and win 2 to 1. I got all concerned with protecting my suits that I forgot entirely that the point of the game was objectives.

Chaos(Rem) Vs IG(Pete)

Rem's ongoing terrible luck with vehicles struck early here as her Rhino got immobilized at the first shot on the top of round 1, having to footslog across the board left her weakened to much to carry the assault against IG, and the lord/zerker deathstar was tied up for 2 rounds by the Sentinel, game ended with a tabling as it took too long to get anywhere and 15 models just can't take that punishment for that long.

Chaos(Rem) Vs Necron(Shade)
This was a tie breaker for going into the 2nd round, I dunno how Pete was doing his scoring but these two had to play off. (Pete says: At this point, Shade and Remigious had two losses and one win each, making a tie.)
Rem learned from her previous games and was able to get some good assaults in without having to wade against a river of fire, as well as a good tank shock to contest an objective with an empty Rhino. Shade was not as aggressive with his Scarabs as he could have been and that may have cost him a tie at the end being unable to contest objectives, Chaos wins it 1 to nothing

Final thoughts:
Tau: My list kinda blew and I lost my first game in the deployment phase, at this point level and on this small of a board I don't really need to have deep striking reserves, also my loss against the Necrons was a pretty huge mistake, reinforces the need to cover objectives though. Gonna switch it up a bit in the next round.

IG: Played pretty well, I always think his list building is schizophrenic though, if you are going to have an assault blob then tool it up for assault I say. Get some power weapons on the sergeants already. He was over by 20 points as he did bad math as well, but that 20 points was in the Sentinel Plasma Cannon and it did very little in any game so I forgive him. (Pete says: My list building is a byproduct from my learning process. The goal of the blob was to tie up shooting squads for several turns, and the Autocannon teams were there to hold objectives, while offering some ranged support to the army.)

Chaos: Rem is still getting into the aggressive mindset needed to run berserkers, she likes to shoot with the Rhino when most of the time it might be better to just move 12" the list was perfectly decent for this level, though I would pull the plasma off the zerkers and the havoc off the Rhino and either buy more dudes or give the CM squad a plasma gun or ML or something.

Necron: Shade is a brand new player and brought his entire model collection to the fight, he did well using the old codex, though again could have been more aggressive with his Scarabs, they move as jet bikes and he didn't take as much advantage of that as he could have. However he made no real other mistakes and good decisions about what to shoot at most of the rest of the time.


  1. You know, I already wrote this all up right? And, I destroyed the rhino in my game against Remigious in the first turn.

  2. Pete you got lucky with that shot. I am confident that if you hadn't blown up my rhino I had a good shot at winning that game.
    Overall this is a fair assessment of the games and I agree with your advice Pano. Being able to play more consistently has allowed me to get some better strategies down, and I can't wait for out next game where I can try out a few new things.

  3. The loss of your rhino was a major blow because you didn't have enough models on the board. I would have switched the lord to a 'Zer champion and used the points to buy another rhino for the other squad.

    You've also discovered my secret! If we play more games, we'll gain experience with it! Drat, you've figured it all out. You see, my understanding is games come down to three things: Luck, Experience and Skill. I know what I'm lacking in this list. Oddly enough, my luck was pretty good in these games, so I guess it isn't always terrible.

  4. Well I would have switched my list up, but I thought it wasn't allowed. Next time!

  5. I know, but you had a chance to learn from that mistake. Have you cooked up an army list for the next round? Mine's ready...
