Friday, March 4, 2022

Painted Minis, Round Three: The Search For Talent

 Well, it's been a very long time since I've done one of these. And I actually have some painted stuff to put up here. That was painted recently. I know, I'm as shocked as you are. Let's get started, shall we? Oh, fair warning, there's some boobies in some of these. If you're offended by tiny little breasts, you have problems.

First up, were have some Reaper minis I'm using for a Ghost Archipelago crew I call the Amazons. Most of the models are from the Savage Beauty boxed set.

As you can see, not all of them are finished yet but I will be working on them when I have the time. I've also been experimenting with skin tone but it's still a work in progress. When they're finished, I'll be back with more pictures of them.

Next up, we have another Ghost Archipelago crew, this one I call the Warlord. The Warden was originally from the same Savage Beauty set but I found another mini I really liked instead. My story behind this crew is that they're from a land closer to FrostGrave, which is why they have better weapons and armor.

This crew might also be used for a FrostGrave warband as well but I'd need to pick some different models for it.

Now, we move away from fantasy stuff to some more modern stuff, Super Heroes!
I've been slowly building up a bunch of models I can use for super heroes but finding a system for them hasn't been easy. I recently downloaded some that I need to look over but I hope against hope that Osprey will drop one of their "bluebooks" with a Bring Your Own Minis super hero game.

Figuring out a final minis to make this a five-person team wasn't easy, as there's only four elements in the West. The middle model, in my head canon, has electrical powers, sticking with the elemental theme. I call this team the Five Furies. I plan on using them for a Perilous Tales game in the future.

Speaking of Perilous Tales, here's a group you might remember from the game of that I played a while back. I finally got some paint put on them.

Sadly, I haven't finished them all. And I changed the color schemes because, let's face it, I already cheat enough with black clothes and stuff. Instead, I drew from different sources of inspiration beyond Sucker Punch. I really wanted them to stand out on the table and I think they will.

Next up, we have a bunch of demons, one of which I posted before. There's aren't heroes, they're villains. Trying to find a group unique or interesting models wasn't easy.

If you don't recognize the one on the motorcycle, it's from the original Reaper Bones Kickstarter. I almost went for the nude one, but I didn't want to pay $25 more. Now that I'm going for the "metal album cover" paint scheme, I'm glad I didn't go for the nude one. And the last one is really suppose to be a troll but I needed another demon.

Our last group is another set of heroes and includes a mini that isn't from Reaper. However, they're also not finished. But I wanted to show how things were going with them.

That last one is the one that I really want to finish. I was going to go for a black and blue color scheme but I wanted to do something different. While Iron Man has a yellow and red color scheme, I wanted gold and red, to make it a little different.

And that's all we've got for now. I do have some more that I've panted and photographed but this one was already a lot. So, come around next month and find out what turns up.

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