Friday, February 4, 2022

Let's Talk About: What's Coming for 2022

Hello and welcome back! This time around, I thought I would take a minute to talk about what I have planned for things here for the next year. If this feels like filler, that’s because it is.

Painted Minis:

While I have been buying new minis, I have also painted some of them. Some. And I had some painted that I never posted. So, I’m going to try to get something set up so I can show off my poor painting skills. As of right now, I don’t know if I want to just post what’s finished or if I want to wait until I have a bunch done for one game or another. It’s really going to come down to how often I want to post things. Time will tell what I end up doing.


I do like doing reviews but I get the sense that no one is here for them. Which is fine, they’re mostly for me to share with friends. If you do see something in my list of games that I haven’t done a review of, and you think I should write one, let me know. I do tend to focus on the more recent stuff of my collection but I do want to get some of the others written out, too. The one I want to write, but keep forgetting about, the Deadlands: Lost Colony. I really should bang that one out.

 Deadlands – The Ferner Five:

Which brings me to the next thing I’m hoping to get done, the final adventure of the Ferner Five. There was a brief non-canon one but I don’t really remember it so I’m not going to do it. I also want to write about where the campaign would have gone, had things not fallen apart, as well as putting out the stats for the characters for anyone who wants to use them. It just means I need to set aside the time to do them. Out of all the things I do here, writing about gaming sessions is probably the most time intensive. Explaining why I don’t do them very often.

Silent Hill Project:

It looks like I’ll never be able to run this game, for a lot of reasons, but that doesn’t mean that I’ve forgotten about it. I don’t know if I’m going to come back to it and finish it but I feel like I should at some point. And that means that I should get back to writing about my thought process behind the game. We’ll see if I do, as doing that usually inspires me to get back to work on the project proper.

Repairing Road Kill:

I actually finished this one. I know, I’m surprising as you are. I’ve typed up the original rules, as well as my changes, to make a thing called After The End. That said, I do need to go over it again before I put it out there. I also want to play some games of it before too much longer but that means herding cats and not worrying about the current pandemic.

 Let’s Talk:

This new series of articles (which this one is a part of) is something for me to talk about things that don’t fit into my normal categories. As such, you’ll probably see more of these pop up from now on. There’s a lot of things happening in the various gaming communities that I have thoughts and feelings about but since it takes me so long to get one of these done, they might not be topical or “hot” by the time you read them. I don’t really care, this is my place to express my opinions. If you disagree, you’re more than welcome to, there’s a comments section below you can use.

Fantastic Worlds Solo Campaign:

Recently, I finished my review of the game and posted it here. In the time between I started the review and finished it, my opinion of it changed and now I want to really give it a try. As such, I have an outline for a solo campaign of it that I’m planning on doing in the future. However, I want to paint up the minis I’m going to use for it before I do. And that means it might take a while before I get started. The setting will be based on a series of stories I haven’t gotten around to writing yet so you can think of this as a preview of that idea.

 Everything Else:

I have a lot of articles that I do here but they depend on what I’m feeling. And I don’t know what ones to focus on. If there’s anyone reading that has some suggestions, some things they want to see me work on more, feel free to leave a comment and I’ll think about it. With having such a large collection of games and books, I sometimes get overwhelmed with which one deserves my attention. Plus, when I add more to the collection, it makes it even harder. We’ll see where my moods take me and what ends up getting written up.

And that’s all for now. I suppose I could go on about some of the smaller things or newer things but I think I’ve covered everything that I feel is important. I hope you stick around to see what I come up.

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