Sunday, July 3, 2011

Coppa Boyz

Coppa’ Boyz:
500 point Warhammer 40,000 tournament

Welcome to Coppa’ Boyz!

• All games use Combat Patrol rules
• One army list for each round (that means a take-all-comers list)
• Reasonable proxies are okay (let us know what’s what)
• Have a hard copy of your codex. Printed pages are okay.

At the end of each round, the player with the lowest total of wins is eliminated. If there is a tie, the player with the lowest total of wins and ties is eliminated. If there’s still a tie, the players have one last battle, with the loser being the one who has been eliminated.

Any Infantry unit can hold objectives. However, only a Troops choice can still hold an objective if under 50% strength.

Rounds continue, with the player with the lowest total of wins being dropped, until there is only one player left. That player is the winner of the tournament.

Rules, errata and etc.

For this tournament, the Necron ‘Phase Out’ rule is suspended.

Round one details:

All games are seize ground. Deployment rolled normally.

Starting with the player with the oldest codex (in order: Witch Hunters, Nercons, Tau, Chaos Space Marines, Orks, Space Marines and Imperial Guard), they can pick who they want to play against first. They may pass, if they want. When the game is finished, the winner picks who they want to battle, until all players have fought against one another.


• Failure to attend – Any player that doesn’t show up the game, without a good reason or forewarning, is disqualified. The game then advances to the next round.

• Extreme tardiness – Any player that is more than an hour late, again without good reason or forewarning, is disqualified. The game then advances to the next round.

• Poor sportsmanship – Any player, whose attitude or behavior, is determined to be unacceptable will be asked to leave the game, and is disqualified. The game then advances to the next round.

• Cheating – Any player caught cheating will be asked the leave the game and is disqualified. The game then advances to the next round.


The winner of the tournament wins an AoBR Ork Boy that has been painted copper. He may lord over his/her friends and rub his/her wins in their faces. If the boy is lost, stolen or broken, I will not replace it.

But, wait there’s more!

Before the winner collects their prize, they have one last battle to play! The player that was eliminated in the first round (note: only the first one to be eliminated, not disqualified) can challenge the winner. I will pay the winner of this game $5. The tournament winner still collects his prize, but has a chance to win some money, too.


  1. It will be a great day... For the Tau, I think...

  2. Yeah...the Tau always win for some reason...
    Chaos is hoping for at least 2nd place!

  3. Remember, there's more than one round, so even if you get kicked pretty hard this weekend, you should be able to come back to the next one with a stronger list. I'm expecting to be the first one eliminated, because the dice gods hate me.

    That's right, I'm expecting my Guard to lose. To Necrons.

    Also, Pano is an excellent tactician. That's why he wins.
