Friday, September 13, 2019

The Ferner Five: Meet the Posse!

Before we start talking about the adventures of the “Ferner Five” (Foreigner Five for those of you who speak proper English), I thought it might be a good idea to talk about the odd characters in the posse.

The Originals -
The founding members of the posse are as follows. Thus far, they've survived everything that's been thrown at them. The lucky bastards...

Doctor Ashleigh Penwood:
Doctor Penwood is the second son of a minor noble family in “jolly old” England. He went to college, became a doctor, and then entered Her Majesty's Service in the army. During his stint in the army, he saw many a terrible thing, and had a chance encounter with a “witch doctor” that left his cursed with a disease that wouldn't leave him for several years and required magical assistance.
After he mustered out, Doctor Penwood made his way to the Weird West, to see if was as exciting as he had been told. And to expand his family's fortunes.

Doctor Henrich Eisern Von Braunstiefel aus Wurzburg:
Born to a minor wealthy family in the Prussian empire, Henrich was always tinkering with something or another. He served briefly in the Prussian Army as an artillery officer, where he was often distracted and let his NCOs run things, but he was smart enough and brave enough to earn the loyalty of the men under his command.
After completing his service, he began to have ideas. Ideas involving the New Science. Since Austria did not have a large supply of Ghost Rock, he was forced to make his way to the American west, to find a steady supply the precious rock. Shortly after he arrived, he was able to complete one of the most important tasks for his mining device: The Laser Cannon.

Born in China, Ming is the only member of the posse who isn't an Anglo. Lucky him.
Growing up as an orphan in China, Ming always wanted to become a Shaolin Monk, but he just didn't have the “moral fiber” to complete his training. Disheartened, he left his homeland and made his way to America to work on the railroads. He didn't last long, as he couldn't stand the conditions and being treated not much better than a slave. One night, he ended up killing a particularly evil foreman and had to flee.
While Ming had been cast out of the Shaolin temple, he had learned quite a bit and continued to practice what he knew. He even improved and developed his own style of whupass.

Deiter Todter:
Deiter was the oldest son of a minor Hungarian noble (huh, sure do have a lot nobles and rich folks in these posse). Of course his father was a miserable and mean drunk. One night, Deiter grabbed a sword and fought the old man with all he had. The fight ended with his father bloody and wounded (or dead, Deiter wasn't sure) and Deiter fleeing into the night.
Having nothing but his skills, Deiter made his way to America and started killing folks. Not because he was a murderer, but because it was something he was good at. Plus, folks in the Americas tend to be a little hot blooded compared to folks in Europe. Deiter's travels landed him in Kansas where he had a bit of a run in with some Prairie Ticks. Rather than using some castor oil, he just grabbed the sucker trying to make it's way down his throat. Because he's just that ornery. This encounter left him with horrible scars on his face, but that might have been a boon for him, given his general dislike of his fellow man.

Phil Calhoon:
Well, I suppose I can fill you in on some of his backstory. Phil grew up on a dirt poor farmstead in Middle Of Nowhere, Oregon (okay, that's not the real name, but it might as well be) with his parents and his “big” sister. Not being much for learning and school, he started working as a lumberjack as soon as he could and turns out he was pretty good at it. Before long, he was traveling all over the Pacific Northwest, going from job to job, and sending home a tidy sum for his folks.
Then, things went bad. He was working somewhere in the wilds of Washington State when his camp was attacked by a Wendigo. Phil was the only one who walked away that night. The Agency tracked him down, after he started telling people his story, and the company he was working for had a judge issue a warrant for theft, as they said he stole the chainsaw (they're rather expensive in the Weird West).
After that, Phil took up to traveling and exploring the Weird West he'd read so much about in the Tombstone Epitaph.

Guest Stars -
These are some characters who appeared in only one adventure because the player dropped out.

“Cashed In” Kledge:
Appearing only in the very first session of the Comin' Around The Mountain adventure, Kledge was a Harrowed British shyster.

A Huckster from France and a Gypsy to boot, Josephine briefly appeared during the final part of the Heart of Darkness series of adventures.

The Replacements -
Even though no one has died yet, they will eventually. And sometimes, people want to change things up.

Nona “Cookie” Calhoon:
The “big” sister of Phil, Cookie didn't earn the moniker because she's as sweet as one. Nope. It's because she's one tough cookie. She's also a very fine looking, if tiny, woman. Until she opens her mouth. Then she's as crass and brash as any man you've ever met. Probably more. If she catches your eye, just be warned that if you get too fresh with her she's likely to spit in it, gouge it out of your head, or put a bullet through it. Oogle at your own risk, partners...
When Cookie was 16, she left home to look for a better life. She traveled all through out the Weird West; working as a saloon girl, a cowgirl, and a then a Pinkerton.
During these travels, she had learned both Hoyle's Hexes, but also the Way Of The Gun. That means she was one hell of a firecracker. But, when the US Government canceled their contract with the Pinkertons, she found herself out of a job (or did she?) and went to look for her brother...

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