Saturday, September 23, 2017

SpineSpur: Hack Dies At The End

Well, look at that, I'm playing SpineSpur again. Been a while... Too long a while since I've done that. But between losing the store I used to play at and slipping a disc in my back a few years ago, I haven't really had the place or energy to play the game, much less work on the minis. That's going to change pretty soon. Enough of my bullshit, time for the battlereport.

First off, there's no pictures because I didn't know if the game was actually going to happen and I didn't feel like stopping to snap them while we were playing.
It was another "teaching game," this time with my friend Phoenix and another member of my RPG group, Joe. The lists are some you're probably familiar with if you've read my battlereports before. That's not going to stop me from posting the lists again:

GOD: 100 points (Played by Phoenix)
Warriors of GOD
Fists of GOD

Hack & Amy's Murder Party: 101 points (Played by Joe)
Amy Brighteyes
Thug: Molotov (x2)
Thug: Bludgeoning (x2)

Greygun's Angels: 100 (Played by your faithful author, Captain Pete)
Dante Hayte
Thugs: Blades (x3)

Since we were doing a multiplayer game, we again went for the Kill The Head Scenario in the Shitlands, using my amazingly durable sewer board. To make things easy, I didn't bring any terrain and we just deployed in a corner. Phoenix won the deployment and set up his forces trying to face both myself and Joe. Joe deployed aggressively towards Phoenix, while I spread myself out a little bit to counter whoever came at me first, but was more focused on Hack. Because, you know, he's a murderous bastard...

First turn, Phoenix won the Round Controller roll, of course. Aniel's good for that. In fact, he won every single Round Controller roll he rolled. Phoenix quickly discovered that Hack was Very Bad News (everyone discovers this their first game) and started trying to stop him. Hack charged forward and was gunning for the boys in suits. Meanwhile, I started moving my forces towards Hack and Amy, ignoring the GOD forces.

As the game progressed, Phoenix started losing men as soon as Hack got close. When Joe was in the bathroom, we agreed to ignore each other until Hack was dead. While Hack was tied up with the GOD forces, my forces started making their way to the middle of the board. Booth used his Ghost ability first turn and got in a good spot when Amy appeared and was able to move up, shoot her, and then run around a corner. While GOD tried to hold the line, they weren't able to get off too many shots. With Hack's ability to move forward an inch after killing another model, he was able to advance time after time and keep the slaughter going. Plus, those Bleed Tokens he produces were causing a lot of trouble for GOD.

In the middle of the board, Greygun and the Thugs were engaging in a back and forth with Amy and the other Thugs. Greygun managed to survive both molotovs. The other Thugs weren't so lucky. Booth was doing his best to be sneaky and caught Amy from behind, blasting her with some buckshot. That lead to his downfall when she hit back with some spells and dropped him. Greygun was also able to shot her but, only once. Instead, Greygun had to keep fending off Thugs with his blade. Somehow, he managed to keep ticking.

The course of the game changed when Aniel dropped. Without a reason to keep going, Phoenix reneged on our agreement and tried to attack Dante with his last Fist. Dante, however, is made of some stern stuff and finished him before he could do too much damage. The only problem was that it slowed Dante down and Hack was able to get away, turning towards Greygun.

A turn later, there were no more GOD forces on the table and one Thug left. The herd had been thinned down to Hack, Amy, the one Thug, facing off against Greygun, while Dante raced to catch up... While waiting for Dante, Greygun was able to drop the Thug and  survive an attack from Amy, as Hack came charging forwards.

In the end, it all came down to one last roll: Hack was barreling down on Greygun and I won Round Controller. The first shot missed, the second shot did crap damage. One last shot.... And five damage. Finally, after more than a few games and so many tries, Hack was dead.

And I won the game.

In the end, it was a game of many firsts. I had (FINALLY) managed to win a game and kill Hack to boot. I had also acquired some tokens, so I had stuff to use for activated minis, Bleed and Burn Tokens, and even had a few other colors to use for other effects that might have popped up. It was also the smoothest game I've ever played. I think we all had a good time, even if I was pissed off my Phoenix screwing me over at the last minute. I get that it's SpineSpur and shit like that happens, but I was going to be very angry if I had my victory snatched from me at the very last second due to this fuckery.

Here's what the causalities looked like at the end of the game:

GOD: 5/5 models killed
Hack & Amy: 5/6 models killed
Greygun's Angels: 4/6 models killed

Victory for Greygun's Angels!

 I really liked playing this list again. I think I'm going to keep using it (provided I get another game in, which I'm working on), it was a lot of fun and was easier to keep track of compared to the Dark Faith lists I was playing. Phoenix admitted that he screwed up during deployment and not using Aniel's Tactician ability. But, he said he'd like to play again, so we'll see what happens. I hope to get in a few more games before too long.

And this gave me a push to start working on my minis again. Soon, the Hack & Amy list will become the Cerebeast & Amy list... As the Institution is "coming soon."