Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Hello and welcome to Bearers of the Word!

This is a blog by a group of Portland (Oregon) Warhammer 40k players. In this blog, we’ll be sharing battle reports, how-to articles, reviews of products, books, and units.

We’re not going to be some rumor-mill, reposting things that we don’t have confirmation on. Okay, well, maybe a few rumors here and there.

Our goal is to mostly to write for ourselves. We don’t care what you think us, or our projects. Pretty much, if you don't like it, kiss my fat white ass.

For right now, most of the pictures you will see posted will be full of unpainted models. Beginning in March, we are starting an oath system, like many on internet forums, to fight off the grey tide. We’ll be posting our oath rules, and progress reports.

We don’t own any trademarked items, and the items belong to their respective owners. If we use a picture that belongs to you, we will attempt to credit you for it, and will remove it at your request.
Any pictures we take belong to us, and we would ask that you let us know you’re spreading them around.
Any thoughts or opinions belong to us, and are our sole responsibility. You can disagree with them all you want.